"Trick-Or-Treat For Halloween" πŸŽƒ

Richardson, Texas | October 2022 | Vol. 7 No. 60
Please click the image or this link for a quick survey about our next event.  We are excited to have a movie night in the park we hope to see you all there on Saturday October 22nd. 
Vote Here
The neighborhood Halloween decorating contest is currently under way! We love to see the neighborhood come alive on Halloween Night! Everyone makes it so special for the kiddos.  Make sure an nominate a home you like through October 28th by clicking the button below.  
Nominate Here
Prepare your Calendar: 
Wow autumn is off and in full swing! We had a "Night-Out" at Monkey King Noodle Co at the end of September.     We hope to have a few more events like this in the new year. National Night Out was a huge success! Thank you to all who came out to visit grab a sandwich and create tie-dye shirts!

The much-anticipated unveiling of our new street sign toppers was revealed.  Thank you to all your patience while we got these ordered.  Be on the lookout for them as they start to go up around the neighborhood. 

The Movie Night in the Park poll is now active.  If you vote, please plan to attend.  If we get enough votes for an adult movie, we will plan to do both.  If you are only interested in one or the other, you are welcome to choose which one you are interested in or come to both.  We will send out more details on movie winners and times before the 22nd.  
THANK YOU everyone for helping us reach our summer goal of 100 members! We now have 107 members, this is more than we have had in at least the last 5 years! 
If your name is not on the list above, please join below.  
Join Here
If you do not follow us on social media yet you can do so by going here to Instagram.  This is where we will remind you about upcoming events. 

Thank you for all your support, 
Clinton Ball
President HTNA

If you would be interested in joining our board, please click the button below! 
Huffhines Harvest Fest featuring Pawtoberfest is taking place Saturday at Huffhines Park. The two-day event is free and features arts and crafts, live performances, and a variety of family activities. 

Visit huffhinesharvestfest.com for more information.

Come join us for a day in the park with your pup and friends while sipping craft beer, enjoying delicious goodies from the food trucks, listening to live music, shopping from vendors and participating in other fun activities.

Purchase the presale β€œPawkage”, which includes the official Pawtoberfest bandana, a 20 o.z. logo beer mug, a voucher for a free beer, $1 off all beer refills and a goody bag of dog treats. You must be 21 years or older to purchase a β€œPawkage.”

Sign up for the Pawtoberfest Costume Contest. This open category is for dogs of all sizes. The first contest begins at 11:30 a.m., and the second contest begins at 2:30 p.m. There is an entry fee of $3 for each contest. 

Time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 
Location: Huffhines Park, 1500 Apollo Rd. 
Admission: Free.   

Bruce Miller
You can click the picture to take you to their website.  These ads were purchased by these companies and HTNA does not endorse any of these parties.  
We are your neighborhood landscape + design company. We offer design + installation, irrigation, concrete, stone, and outdoor living. Our mission is to help you to create your dream outdoor space. Click link to schedule a free consultation:
Follow along on Facebook and Instagram for the most current information about our Neighborhood Association! 
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Only $5! Perfect to advertise your "side hustle" or Etsy shop!
Questions email us: webmaster@htna.org

Newsletter Advertisement

Pay Here $5.55 Then email us the picture or graphic you would like to use. 

Let us know if you would like to place an Ad in future newsletters! Only $5! Perfect to advertise your "side hustle" or Etsy shop! (The .55 cent helps cover credit card fees.)

If you'd like to become a member or join the association you can visit us at this link:
Renew or Join Now!
If you have any questions regarding membership or dues, please contact Lauren at membership@htna.org

HTNA Board wanted to share this information with our neighborhood and community.  Please reach out to us via our website: www.htna.org/contact if you need any help during this time we are here for you. 

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