Coming Soon ... πŸš§πŸ“†


Richardson, Texas | January 2023 | Vol.8 No.62

TONIGHT 6:30pm Huffhines

I would like to personally invite you to join our neighborhood board. If we have enough help, we can run a much smoother operation. This will give you a better experience at each of our events that we put on for you. We cannot do this without help from generous neighbors like you! The Board only meets every other month for about an hour each meeting. Please considerately think about donating just a little bit of time.


Clinton Ball- President HTNA

A note from our Civic Affairs Chair Lauren Decker:

It's Election Season!!!

Hard to believe but the Richardson Election Season is already in full swing.

In Richardson, we have 7 seats on the City Council. Places 1-4 are for the specific districts of our city, 5 and 6 are at large positions, and Place 7 is the Mayor's seat.

Things are already shaking up a bit with big news that came last week. Thursday, January 12, 2023 , Mayor Paul Voelker announced he will not be seeking what would be his final term as mayor of Richardson. In his announcement he stated, "After consultation with my family, for personal, and professional reasons I am stepping aside."

Councilman Bob Dubey (Place 1/ Highland Terrace's district) has announced he will be running for mayor this year.

Mayor Pro Tem Janet DePuy (Place 3) also announced her candidacy for mayor.

Jennifer Justice is seeking reelection for Place 2.

Joe Corcoran is seeking reelection for Place 4

Ken Hutchenrider is seeking reelection for Place 5.
Arefin Shamsul is seeking reelection for Place 6.

With Councilman Dubey running for mayor this year, that leaves Place 1 in need of a new representative. Interested in serving your community as a City Council member? You can find all the information you need at You can also contact the City Secretary at 972-744-4290 or by email at

Important Dates:

Filing for Candidacy Dates: now - February 17th 2023

Registered to Vote: April 6th 2023

Early Voting: April 24, 2023- May 2, 2023Election Day: May 6th 2023

Who are our City Council Members? | Richardson, TX (

- By Lauren Decker

Sorry Chris and Donovan our records were not up to date. This is our correction from the previous newsletter:


Bruce Miller

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