Event Reminder! 🐣

Egg Hunt Event Reminder!
Fun starts TOMORROW!
(Click the images above to enlarge)
There is still time to join.
is your last chance for this great raffle opportunity!! 
Enjoy an extra cup of joe to entice you to join or renew your membership today!  You can follow the steps below for your chance to win this GREAT gift bag provided by Eiland Coffee!  A huge thank you to Christine and everyone at Eiland for the support and love of our community. 
Start Here: 

Membership dues


Join now to become a new member or renew your membership. (.85 cents covers credit card costs.)

$15.85 per Household
Next Step: 


HTNA fundraiser RULES:
Two ways to enter

1. Join or renew by April 1st as an HTNA Member
2. Purchase raffle tickets for an additional entry

$5.00 each
HTNA attended the city meeting on Woodhaven Grove Park. A survey opened this morning for the parks and Rec master plan. They asked us to share the survey with the neighborhood. If you would please take the survey from Richardson below. 
Parks Survey
(Click the images above to enlarge.) 
Follow along on Facebook and Instagram for the most current information about our Neighborhood Association! 

HTNA Board wanted to share this information with our neighborhood and community.  Please reach out to us via our website: www.htna.org/contact if you need any help during this time we are here for you. 

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